The organs of Paris
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt HOME ALL ORGANS
The Church of Saint-André-de-l'Europe is housed in the former chapel of the convent of the ‘Oblats de Marie-Immaculée’, built in neo- Gothic style between 1897-1900 on the plans of the architects Alfred Coulomb and Louis-Pierre Chauvet. After the closure of the convent and the expulsion of the clerics in 1901, the building was bought in 1907 by the Archbishop of Paris. Re-opened to the cult under the name of "Saint- André D'Antin", it became a parish church in 1959. In 1967, the Church adopted its current name, in reference to the quarter of Europe, at the heart of which it is located.
C3 The organ of Saint-André-de-l'Europe comes from the old church of Notre-Dame Auxiliaire de Clichy-la-Garenne (Hauts-de-Seine) doomed to demolition and was acquired by the parish in 1995. It was first attributed to Louis Béasse, former collaborator of Cavaillé-Coll, due to the plate on its console. But a recent expertise has shown that it is actually the work of the brothers Delmotte, famous Belgian organ builders and that it was built in 1871 for the Petit Séminaire de Cambrai (Nord), which was estroyed during the first world war. This organ had originally 12 stops on two key-boards of 56 notes. 7 stops including 4 pedal stops were reserved. In 1897 the brothers Delmotte completed the instrument with 6 stops including two pedal stops. The study of the existing pipes fits perfectly with this change. In 1911, the organ was placed at Clichy-la-Garenne by Louis Beasse who put his plate on the console. He added a pedal of 30 notes (the last three notes ‘en tirasse’) and a basson 16' on the Swell. In 1961, Erwin Muller of Croissy-sur-Seine (Yvelines) renovated he organ in a neo-baroque style, replacing the Salicional 8' of the GO by a Plein-jeu III, the Basson 16’ of the Swell by a Sesquialtera II and the Flûte Traversière by a Quarte 2' and changing the Flute Octaviante 4' into a Principal 4' by re-cutting of the pipes. In 1995, the Notre-Dame- Auxiliatrice was closed then destroyed in 1997 before being replaced by a modern church in 2000. The organ was put on sale for one symbolic euro. In 1998, the organ was transferred to St André de l’Europe (the old Merklin-organ was considered 'irreparable') by Marc Hedelin of Mauvieres (Indre), who restored the original character of the organ, adding a trumpet (instead of the Sesquialtera II) and new oboe at the swell, changing the Prestant 4' into a Flute octaviante 4' again and the Quarte 2' into a Octavin 2', as previously. During the recent restauration (2014-2016) by Yves Fossaert, a new Plein-jeu and Doublette 2 (GO) were made, both being copies of the same stops of the organ of Delmotte (1891) of the Sacré-Coeur à Coudekerque Branch.
The former organ built by Merklin around 1880. It was the old choir organ of Ste Marie des Batignolles, sverly modified by Bourgarel in 1963. Photos by Serge Campione, former titulaire.
1871/97 - Delmotte (1) 1911 - Béasse (2) 1961 - Muller (3a) 1998 - Hedelin (4) 2016 - Fossaert (5)

II/19 - mechanical traction


Organiste titulaire Bertrand Ferrier Concerts Regularly Masses with organ Saturday 6h30PM, Sunday 10h45AM, 7PM Videos Bertrand Ferrier
The organs of Paris
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt ALL ORGANS
1871/97 - Delmotte (1) 1911 - Béasse (2) 1961 - Muller (3a) 1998 - Hedelin (4) 2016 - Fossaert (5)

II/19 - mechanical traction


C3 The organ of Saint-André-de-l'Europe comes from the old church of Notre-Dame Auxiliaire de Clichy-la-Garenne (Hauts- de-Seine) doomed to demolition and was acquired by the parish in 1995. It was first attributed to Louis Béasse, former collaborator of Cavaillé-Coll, due to the plate on its console. But a recent expertise has shown that it is actually the work of the brothers Delmotte, famous Belgian organ builders and that it was built in 1871 for the Petit Séminaire de Cambrai (Nord), which was estroyed during the first world war. This organ had originally 12 stops on two key-boards of 56 notes. 7 stops including 4 pedal stops were reserved. In 1897 the brothers Delmotte completed the instrument with 6 stops including two pedal stops. The study of the existing pipes fits perfectly with this change. In 1911, the organ was placed at Clichy-la-Garenne by Louis Beasse who put his plate on the console. He added a pedal of 30 notes (the last three notes ‘en tirasse’) and a basson 16' on the Swell. In 1961, Erwin Muller of Croissy-sur-Seine (Yvelines) renovated he organ in a neo-baroque style, replacing the Salicional 8' of the GO by a Plein-jeu III, the Basson 16’ of the Swell by a Sesquialtera II and the Flûte Traversière by a Quarte 2' and changing the Flute Octaviante 4' into a Principal 4' by re-cutting of the pipes. In 1995, the Notre-Dame- Auxiliatrice was closed then destroyed in 1997 before being replaced by a modern church in 2000. The organ was put on sale for one symbolic euro. In 1998, the organ was transferred to St André de l’Europe (the old Merklin-organ was considered 'irreparable') by Marc Hedelin of Mauvieres (Indre), who restored the original character of the organ, adding a trumpet (instead of the Sesquialtera II) and new oboe at the swell, changing the Prestant 4' into a Flute octaviante 4' again and the Quarte 2' into a Octavin 2', as previously. During the recent restauration (2014-2016) by Yves Fossaert, a new Plein-jeu and Doublette 2 (GO) were made, both being copies of the same stops of the organ of Delmotte (1891) of the Sacré-Coeur à Coudekerque Branch.
Organiste titulaire Bertrand Ferrier Concerts Regularly Masses with organ Saturday 6h30PM, Sunday 10h45AM, 7PM Videos Bertrand Ferrier